Companies spend billions of dollars conducting research using customer lists and panels. Too often these lists become a “fire and forget” resource that can lead to skewed representation and mechanical responses.
This is an industry-agnostic challenge that inspired F100 clients in the automotive, financial and technology sectors to reach out to Escalent for help. They asked us to find an alternative to blasting surveys to huge lists of people and help them build more durable, more reliable groups of critical audiences.
Why? Because knowing you’re talking with—and learning from—the right people leads to better-informed decisions, more successful marketing campaigns and improved customer experiences.
We started by owning the fact that we’re survey geeks and releasing our clients from having to worry about the stuff that makes a survey reliable like weighting, fielding and response rates.
Then we launched our Actively Managed Participants (AMP) solution, led by sampling scientists who profiled their key audiences; figured out who’s going to do a survey and who isn’t and how often to recruit them; and then kept cleaning the database and calibrating the process until recruitment of the right people was down to a science.
Some say this work isn’t “cool” or “sexy.” We disagree. What’s cooler than knowing your insights are rock solid and will lead to smart business decisions that drive growth for your organization?
First and foremost, each of our clients got a powerful corporate asset: A tool they can use for all types of customer engagements—from brand trackers and ad testing to market drivers and concept tradeoffs—for years to come.
Just a few of the results that come from AMPing up your customer relationships?