Escalent is like my secret weapon. Their outputs have gone viral and made us look great internally. The quality and turnaround are great, but the real difference is how they help us squeeze more value from our investments.
This Fortune 100 company needed answers to a number of strategic business questions to help build the foundation for its future planning process. It also faced a ‘zero budgeting’ environment, so new spending on additional research was restricted. The Insights team suspected they possessed all the data they needed to get answers but were overwhelmed by the sheer volume and disorganization of the existing research and data. Critical information was buried in regional or category silos. The company had no framework for connecting this information to shopper behavior or macroeconomic changes, which are two key elements to their future strategy. Executives were frustrated that the company lacked the order and structure to make sense of the information they already had.
Escalent works with clients to help them squeeze more out of what they already know by organizing and analyzing their existing research. We help clients structure disparate data and build compelling, insights-based narratives from wide-ranging sources.
For this client, we conducted a systematic review of all existing research resources, categorizing and indexing thousands of pages of PowerPoint and Excel files. First, we provided a simplified catalog for our clients to quickly see the topics and themes they already possessed. We then distilled key insights from data sources to answer executives’ strategic questions about the future of retail and its impact on shopper behavior. Finally, we collaborated with client stakeholders to identify the most relevant trends and business implications, providing the basis for a series of strategic initiatives to drive future growth.
200+ research reports were analyzed and synthesized. As a result, the client estimated Escalent’s support saved upwards of $600K in less than a year. The project provided a framework the insights team used to ‘first search’ before creating new briefs. Additionally, the project uncovered insights hidden in the company’s existing research, specifically on the future of retail, allowing stakeholders to make decisions without commissioning new research. Finally, the project provided efficiency when planning for their next budget by identifying the core areas where they needed to focus future research spending via heat maps.