Measuring and monitoring KPIs to track brand health from the developers’ perspective
Success Stories | Technology

Measuring and monitoring KPIs to track brand health from the developers’ perspective

Business Issue

A leading technology firm that relies on a healthy social platform and development ecosystem for profitable growth was struggling to stay on top of brand health and sentiment, platform and development usage, and overall developer relationship measures. The brand health measurements it had were outdated due to an extremely competitive environment and a constant evolution of software and services landscape. The firm needed to quickly determine how it could keep a “pulse” on engagement across its segments of interest.

The client asked Escalent’s advice on the best way to build a program that would provide consistent feedback on each segment. It was also important to effectively track KPIs that would allow key stakeholders to understand what, when and why they need to change or adjust course within the platform.

What We Did

Escalent designed and deployed a global research program across North America, Europe and Asia that provided insight across all regions, while keeping the program within our client’s research budget.

We then developed a feedback engine that provided a consistent stream of critical metrics for over a dozen stakeholder groups across the organization. We developed a key metrics dashboard with weekly results reported to the executive team.

In addition to managing the setup and delivery mechanics, we partnered with the client to manage competing stakeholder requests to help it avoid muddling the insights by overloading the study. We also provided assistance as the program evolved, helping to update the study for current needs while maintaining trends.


Escalent’s insights provided the direction the client needed to refine its messaging across a global audience and forge a stronger relationship with its developers. Additionally, the findings illustrated a better understanding of the sentiment driving engagement decisions and the overall impact to brand health over time.

We continue to provide ongoing insights to facilitate and identify multiple areas of opportunity to further increase engagement and pivot as feedback and sentiment evolves. This process ensures the integrity of the most important and trendable KPIs and gives our client the ability to be agile and responsive to its customers and stakeholders.

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