Expanding a wealth firm’s global brand footprint
Success Stories | Financial Services

Expanding a wealth firm’s global brand footprint

Escalent brings significant value-added consulting to these engagements…I’ve become a mega-brand advocate.

Business Issue

A prominent wealth management firm had strong brand awareness in the US; however, its major business lines operated under different names outside of the US, making it difficult to capture mindshare in several major European markets. Since global expansion was a strategic imperative, the client set out to consolidate its non-US brands into a single brand while retaining its core value positioning.

What We Did

We leveraged our syndicated US and International Institutional Investor Brandscape® studies to measure the client’s competitive position on core brand equity metrics. We changed the brand reference throughout the international survey immediately—allowing us to measure awareness of the new name compared with the legacy name—and incorporated proprietary questions about its unique value proposition. In addition to tracking brand awareness, we helped the client understand which attributes are most important for its brand.


In the first year of the rebranding campaign, the client’s new name understandably experienced lower unaided awareness than the legacy name in established markets. But with our help, it was able to position the launch so awareness on an aided basis was comparatively strong for a new brand, particularly in the areas for which the client had focused marketing and sales outreach. At the same time, the client saw significant improvements in aided awareness of its new name across target expansion markets. By leveraging our institutional investor insights, the client is well positioned to capitalize on global market opportunities.

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