Blending behavioral and attitudinal data to drive new insights into churn and satisfaction
Success Stories | Telecom

Blending behavioral and attitudinal data to drive new insights into churn and satisfaction

Escalent personifies partnership and brings unmatched industry knowledge and experience to every project. They are truly the best in the business.

Business Issue

A large US wireless operator wanted to maximize the value of its data assets. It had large amounts of customer behavioral and demographic data collected throughout the course of business operations and numerous ongoing tracking research studies measuring customer attitudes throughout the customer lifecycle. Combining these assets would allow the operator to better understand what customers do, why they do it and what can be done to positively influence these behaviors in the future.

What We Did

We worked with the client to architect a marketing data mart that combined customer data from more than 25 disparate databases across the organization. We integrated all of the existing tracking research studies into this data mart so that individual survey responses were aligned to the corresponding behavioral and operations data points for the same individual. We conducted advanced analytics to predict NPS, satisfaction and churn propensity for all customers regardless of whether they had responded to any surveys.


Escalent’s advanced analytics provided deep insights into why some customers are more likely to churn, which allowed the client to tailor its sales and onboarding process to ensure that customers were provisioned with appropriate devices and rate plans that best met their needs. This new approach optimized the sales process to meet the needs and expectations of each individual customer, and it drove the lowest churn rates ever recorded. It was so successful that the client created a new internal analytics division to focus exclusively on extending the data analytics to other critical marketing challenges.

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