Customer trust in utility companies spiked to the highest score ever on the Escalent utility Brand Trust Index (706 on a 1,000-point scale) due to spending roughly 16% more to communicate about product options, environmental efforts, and how they partnered with customers on shared priorities during the pandemic. The communications were well received by utility customers, as the Communications Effectiveness metric posted the highest average score (738) among the six factors that compose Brand Trust. This information is part of the 2021 Cogent Syndicated Utility Trusted Brand & Customer Engagement™: Residential study from Escalent, a top human behavior and analytics advisory firm.
The Brand Trust Index is a composite score of utility performance on customer focus, community support, communications effectiveness, reliable quality, environmental dedication and company reputation. Among these six factors, Customer Focus has increased the most during the year (13 points) followed by Company Reputation (12 points) and Community Support (11 points).
“Starting active conversations with customers on how their utility can partner with and support them throughout the challenges faced this past year has strongly positioned utilities as trusted energy advisers and great corporate citizens,” said Chris Oberle, senior vice president at Escalent. “Our research shows that nearly all utilities provide great service levels, but an elite group has been able to build trusted brands that empower customers with valuable offerings and value-added information. The most trusted utility brands include utilities that are making a positive impact on their customers, communities and financials.”
Key findings from the study include:
Escalent congratulates the 2021 Most Trusted Brands among utilities. These 38 utilities have developed industry-leading customer trust levels.
Cogent Syndicated 2021 Most Trusted Utility Brands | ||
Avista | Intermountain Gas Company | PSE&G |
Cascade Natural Gas | Kentucky Utilities | RG&E |
CenterPoint Energy – Midwest | New Jersey Natural Gas | Rocky Mountain Power |
Colorado Springs Utilities | Nicor Gas | Salt River Project |
Columbia Gas – South | NW Natural | SMUD |
Columbia Gas of Ohio | Oklahoma Natural Gas | TECO Peoples Gas |
CPS Energy | OPPD | Toledo Edison |
DTE Energy | OUC | Tucson Electric Power |
Elizabethtown Gas | PECO | UGI Utilities |
Florida Power & Light | Peoples Gas | Washington Gas |
Georgia Power | Pepco | Wisconsin Public Service |
Green Mountain Power | Portland General Electric | Xcel Energy – West |
Idaho Power | PPL Electric Utilities |
The following tables reflect regional peer benchmark Brand Trust scores among the 140 utilities surveyed. These scores reflect the amount of trust customers have with each utility.
East Region Utilities Brand Trust Performance | |||
Utility brand name | Service provided | Brand trust score | |
PECO | Combination | 733 | |
PSE&G | Combination | 726 | |
RG&E | Combination | 716 | |
Con Edison | Combination | 708 | |
Delmarva Power | Combination | 708 | |
National Grid | Combination | 706 | |
BGE | Combination | 685 | |
NYSEG | Combination | 653 | |
Eversource Energy | Combination | 636 | |
Pepco | Electric | 742 | |
Green Mountain Power | Electric | 741 | |
PPL Electric Utilities | Electric | 736 | |
Penn Power | Electric | 708 | |
Duquesne Light | Electric | 700 | |
Met-Ed | Electric | 696 | |
Penelec | Electric | 690 | |
West Penn Power | Electric | 687 | |
Potomac Edison | Electric | 683 | |
Atlantic City Electric | Electric | 679 | |
Appalachian Power | Electric | 670 | |
Mon Power | Electric | 663 | |
Jersey Central Power & Light | Electric | 627 | |
PSEG Long Island | Electric | 625 | |
Central Maine Power | Electric | 623 | |
Elizabethtown Gas | Natural Gas | 751 | |
Washington Gas | Natural Gas | 749 | |
UGI Utilities | Natural Gas | 742 | |
New Jersey Natural Gas | Natural Gas | 738 | |
National Fuel Gas | Natural Gas | 723 | |
Peoples | Natural Gas | 722 | |
South Jersey Gas Company | Natural Gas | 716 | |
Philadelphia Gas Works | Natural Gas | 714 |
Midwest Region Utilities Brand Trust Performance | |||
Utility brand name | Service provided | Brand trust score | |
DTE Energy | Combination | 758 | |
Wisconsin Public Service | Combination | 755 | |
Black Hills Energy – Midwest | Combination | 736 | |
Montana Dakota Utilities | Combination | 736 | |
Xcel Energy – Midwest | Combination | 730 | |
Ameren Illinois | Combination | 726 | |
Consumers Energy | Combination | 722 | |
MidAmerican Energy | Combination | 719 | |
Duke Energy Midwest | Combination | 718 | |
Alliant Energy | Combination | 717 | |
NIPSCO | Combination | 686 | |
We Energies | Combination | 674 | |
Vectren | Combination | 666 | |
Toledo Edison | Electric | 713 | |
OPPD | Electric | 709 | |
The Illuminating Company | Electric | 693 | |
AEP Ohio | Electric | 692 | |
Ohio Edison | Electric | 692 | |
ComEd | Electric | 690 | |
AES Ohio | Electric | 689 | |
Ameren Missouri | Electric | 684 | |
AES Indiana | Electric | 680 | |
Indiana Michigan Power | Electric | 680 | |
Evergy | Electric | 671 | |
Columbia Gas of Ohio | Natural Gas | 737 | |
Peoples Gas | Natural Gas | 724 | |
Nicor Gas | Natural Gas | 723 | |
CenterPoint Energy – Midwest | Natural Gas | 720 | |
Spire Missouri – East | Natural Gas | 715 | |
Dominion Energy Ohio | Natural Gas | 712 | |
Atmos Energy – Midwest | Natural Gas | 708 | |
Kansas Gas Service | Natural Gas | 705 | |
Citizens Energy | Natural Gas | 697 | |
Spire Missouri – West | Natural Gas | 694 |
South Region Utilities Brand Trust Performance | |||
Utility brand name | Service provided | Brand trust score | |
CPS Energy | Combination | 714 | |
Louisville Gas & Electric | Combination | 688 | |
Dominion Energy South Carolina | Combination | 682 | |
MLGW | Combination | 644 | |
Kentucky Utilities | Electric | 745 | |
OUC | Electric | 742 | |
Florida Power & Light | Electric | 739 | |
Georgia Power | Electric | 733 | |
Entergy Texas | Electric | 723 | |
Entergy Mississippi | Electric | 721 | |
Entergy Arkansas | Electric | 716 | |
TECO Tampa Electric | Electric | 716 | |
Alabama Power | Electric | 713 | |
Dominion Energy Virginia | Electric | 711 | |
Entergy Louisiana | Electric | 711 | |
Mississippi Power | Electric | 710 | |
Nashville Electric Service | Electric | 710 | |
OG&E | Electric | 710 | |
Southwest Electric Power Company | Electric | 708 | |
Xcel Energy – South | Electric | 706 | |
Public Service Company of Oklahoma | Electric | 703 | |
El Paso Electric | Electric | 701 | |
Duke Energy Florida | Electric | 697 | |
Duke Energy Carolinas | Electric | 695 | |
Gulf Power | Electric | 692 | |
JEA | Electric | 684 | |
Austin Energy | Electric | 682 | |
Duke Energy Progress | Electric | 664 | |
Entergy New Orleans | Electric | 662 | |
Kentucky Power | Electric | 656 | |
Columbia Gas – South | Natural Gas | 768 | |
TECO Peoples Gas | Natural Gas | 760 | |
Oklahoma Natural Gas | Natural Gas | 746 | |
Piedmont Natural Gas | Natural Gas | 740 | |
Florida City Gas Company | Natural Gas | 739 | |
CenterPoint Energy – South | Natural Gas | 733 | |
Virginia Natural Gas | Natural Gas | 729 | |
Dominion Energy North Carolina | Natural Gas | 727 | |
Spire Alabama | Natural Gas | 724 | |
Texas Gas Service | Natural Gas | 724 | |
Atmos Energy – South | Natural Gas | 721 | |
Spire Mississippi | Natural Gas | 716 | |
Chattanooga Gas Company | Natural Gas | 708 | |
Spire Gulf Coast | Natural Gas | 656 |
West Region Utilities Brand Trust Performance |
Utility brand name | Service provided | Brand trust score | |
Xcel Energy – West | Combination | 734 | |
Avista | Combination | 726 | |
Colorado Springs Utilities | Combination | 721 | |
NorthWestern Energy | Combination | 705 | |
Puget Sound Energy | Combination | 697 | |
SDG&E | Combination | 688 | |
Black Hills Energy – West | Combination | 658 | |
PG&E | Combination | 626 | |
Salt River Project | Electric | 740 | |
Idaho Power | Electric | 736 | |
Portland General Electric | Electric | 730 | |
SMUD | Electric | 726 | |
Tucson Electric Power | Electric | 726 | |
Rocky Mountain Power | Electric | 720 | |
Seattle City Light | Electric | 717 | |
Southern California Edison | Electric | 701 | |
Pacific Power | Electric | 694 | |
NV Energy | Electric | 676 | |
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power | Electric | 666 | |
PNM | Electric | 665 | |
APS | Electric | 641 | |
Cascade Natural Gas | Natural Gas | 760 | |
Intermountain Gas Company | Natural Gas | 759 | |
NW Natural | Natural Gas | 751 | |
SoCalGas | Natural Gas | 735 | |
Dominion Energy West | Natural Gas | 714 | |
Southwest Gas | Natural Gas | 704 | |
New Mexico Gas Company | Natural Gas | 702 |
Escalent conducted surveys among 76,656 residential electric, natural gas and combination utility customers of the 140 largest US utility companies (based on residential customer counts). The sample design uses a combination of quotas and weighting based on US census data to ensure a demographically balanced sample of each evaluated utility’s customers based on age, gender, income, race and ethnicity. Utilities within the same region and of the same type (e.g., electric-only providers) are given equal weight to balance the influence of each utility’s customers on survey results. The Brand Trust index score is a composite based upon consumer ratings across six factors. Escalent will supply the exact wording of any survey question upon request.
Click below to learn more about the full study.