Stimulating adoption of electric vehicles
Success Stories | Energy

Stimulating adoption of electric vehicles

Business Issue

A Pacific Northwest investor-owned utility (IOU) was embarking on a statewide initiative to increase knowledge and awareness of EVs as well as stimulate consideration and adoption. But there was much to learn. The company commissioned Escalent to gauge customer awareness and consideration of EVs among residential customers and to explore their motivations and barriers to adoption.

What We Did

Escalent connected with current EV owners and residential utility customers who planned to purchase or lease a vehicle in the next five years. To ensure the findings guided specific actions, we measured:

  • Awareness, consideration and likelihood to purchase/lease an EV.
  • Motivations for and barriers against EV consideration and adoption.
  • Knowledge of EVs and EV charging logistics.
  • Vehicle price sensitivity and fuel cost considerations.
  • Attitudes regarding EVs and the utility’s efforts to support the expansion of EV infrastructure and adoption.


EVs are growing in popularity so our client used Escalent’s insights to launch a metrics-based marketing and communication campaign to promote EV awareness, consideration and acquisition. Our client is using our key metrics to track expansion of the region’s electric transportation and is sharing the ongoing results publicly with state and regional officials.

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