Identifying targets for a multi-product connected care offering
Success Stories | Health

Identifying targets for a multi-product connected care offering

The Escalent team is well-organized, including tools to help me work with my internal clients. Their initial segmentation deliverables and ongoing mining of the data continue to provide us with informative and usable insights to support our brand development as we prepare for launch.

Business Issue

A manufacturer of pharmaceutical therapies was preparing to launch a connected care offering that integrated medicines with delivery devices, monitoring devices and mobile phone-driven services. Its goals were to develop an understanding of physicians’ emotional and rational tensions; the extent to which a connected care concept could solve for those tensions; and, ultimately, to identify targets for multiple connected care products that would launch over a three- to ten-year window.

What We Did

Our segmentation process emphasized cross-functional stakeholder engagement to ensure buy-in and usability of insights. We began with a kickoff workshop to uncover hypotheses, key questions, eventual uses for the data and success criteria. Then we fielded a global study among HCPs. We held several workshops with the research team to develop the segments, culminating in a segment adoption workshop in which two potential solutions were characterized, evaluated and debated by the global, cross-functional team.


Escalent provided a foundational understanding of the broader HCP tensions and jobs-to-be-done in a future connected healthcare world. This helped our client facilitate the internal mind shift needed to compete when selling not only therapies, but also technologies. We also identified HCP targets for multiple products within the product portfolio. Our client is using the results to guide product positioning, branding and the offer development map as the team prepares for upcoming launch waves.

Explore our thinking on Segmentation

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