Building an innovation pipeline in a disruptive category
Success Stories | Health

Building an innovation pipeline in a disruptive category

Escalent played a key role in our future products and innovation strategy. The Technology Scan framework cleared the way for us to see innovations on the horizon and respond.

Business Issue

A global medical devices manufacturer was in a disruption minefield. New competitive products were popping up everywhere. They needed a competitive strategy that included a map of their competitors’ innovation pipelines and those of allied industries. Otherwise, their leading-edge medical devices would not stay that way for long.

What We Did

Creating a competitive strategy began with Escalent’s ‘Technology Scan’ framework. We started digging into emerging innovations in competitive technology in the US, Europe, and China. The first step was identifying the ongoing R&D activities of both global and regional players. Next was a comprehensive assessment of upcoming disruptions within the product space. We looked at competitive patents already filed. Then we poured through academic papers boasting revolutionary innovations. Finally, we talked to industry pros and subject matter experts. And we held a series of internal workshops with clients and stakeholders.


Escalent’s Technology Scan compared innovation scores for each product feature. It also included an innovation index for upcoming technologies that showed the client how innovations were trending. They now had a database of 200+ technologies, searchable by geography, need area, product, technology type, and commercialization stage.

No more minefield. Armed with competitive intelligence, the R&D and Marketing teams identified the top five technologies to pursue and integrate into their product portfolio. Product teams quickly developed proof of concept ideas that are already in test markets.

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